Category Archives: Full-Time Training

How I Started Serving at the University of Texas at Arlington

So for those of you who do not know, I have already graduated from UTA with an undergraduate degree of Management Information Systems in business.  After receiving my degree, one would think I would start to work for someone and start down my career path.  And, that is exactly what I did.  Well, almost…

I would like to start by  recommending Hymn number 904 by Albert Benjamin Simpson to all of my readers (

The reason I bring this hymn up is because it has everything to do with what I am about to say.  One brother that cared for me as I was just beginning to grow in my Christian life loved this hymn and would always make reference to it.  I remember sitting in his office at his home many evenings just asking questions about this and about that, whatever questions I would have.  One of these times he told me about how he was working at a large company at a high level when he felt like he was called by the Lord to give all of his time to serve Him.  So naturally I had a number of questions for him about why he would leave a high position in a company for something like this.  To answer my questions he took me to this hymn I have recommended.  I would say that it is one thing to read this hymn, or even to sing it,  but it is something more to pray these lines back to the Lord as your prayer, such as taking the first line – “We have a most glorious King” and praying “Lord, you are our most glorious King”.  Take the time to pray the entire hymn.  Since this brother gave up his job he has been giving all of his days to spend time with college students on many different campuses and help them grow in their Christian life.

So after I graduated from college I went on to two more years at the Full Time Training in Anaheim.  The striking thing about the FTTA to me that differs the most from a traditional Bible School or something equivalent is that those that attend have no intention on becoming a preacher or some kind of not normal “Super Christian”.  Rather the FTTA cultivates and equips a believer with words and patterns to live a normal, healthy Christian life.  Many who graduate from the FTTA go on to work for large corporations or continue in further schooling.   I think the point I am trying to make here is that just by living the reality of a normal healthy Christian life, no matter what it is that we do we are serving our Lord.  Whether we get a job with Apple or give all of our time to the Lord and serve Him in a Full-Time way, we all as we endeavor to be normal overcomers, work for our glorious King.

In particular the verses that speak to me from hymn 904 are verses 3 and 4:

I dwell with the King for His work,
I’ve part in His glorious plan
To bring in His kingdom to earth
And tell His salvation to man.
The world has its work and rewards,
I count them but folly and loss;
My business is only His work,
My message is only His cross.

I dwell with the King for His work,
The work, it is His and not mine;
He plans and prepares it for me
And fills me with power divine.
So duty is changed to delight,
And prayer into praise as I sing;
I dwell with my King for His work
And work in the strength of my King.

When I was graduating from the FTTA one of my biggest questions was what I was going to do with the rest of my life.  I knew I had wanted to go to the FTTA and had gained so much there but as I considered this question, what kept weighing on me  was this verse:

Luke 12:48b “…But to every one to whom much has been given, much will be required from him; and to whom much has been committed, they will ask of him all the more”.

I kept going back and forth, back and forth.  It was not much of a struggle inwardly but rather just trying to find what the Lord really wanted for me.  I wanted the Lord’s will to govern the rest of my life so that He could have a way to use me.  In these months of prayer there were times I really felt to serve the Lord with all of my time and then there were times when I felt that the Lord really wanted me to work.  Eventually after some time I became clear.  There was much peace.  It was the Fall of  2008 when I began to work for my King in a Full-Time way.

I began to work with the Christians on Campus Club at UTA.

Thank you for reading my life’s story

Joseph Jenkinson

I Just Got Engaged!!

Engagement Photo

The two happiest people on earth!

Well, how exciting is it to be able to start a blog of my life with the topic of getting engaged!  My name is Joseph Jenkinson and her name is Joanna Rutledge.  I have known this woman for over three and a half years now.  I have been interested in her for quite some time.  She is more than I ever asked for, or I should probably say more than I ever prayed for.  The story from the spiritual side is actually quite good and refreshing to hear in this age where loose dating seems to be a popular excuse to spend time with someone without seriously considering marrying that person.  I will entertain my readers with the short story —

When she first caught my eye it was at a Christian conference with the Christian club “Christians on Campus“.  I had seen her attending these conferences for three years before, but she never stood out to me like she did this time.  There was just something about her.  If you have been through this experience you know what I am talking about ;).

Before I would continue I want to point out three points of fellowship from another brother in the Lord that has helped me tremendously to put my trust in the Lord for Him to work in my life.  First the Lord’s way… then the Lord’s timing… and equally as important, the Lord’s choice.  As one of my favorite songs goes – “Those who trust Him wholly, find Him wholly true”.

I felt from the Lord to wait for Him in these three area’s of my life.  I never wanted to date Joanna.  I was interested in her because I wanted to marry her.  So because of this I never even gave her a hint that I had some developing interest for her.  Shortly after Joanna stood out to me we both separately made the decision to go to the Full-Time Training in Anaheim.  This is a great bible school like place to learn how to live the normal life of a Christian.  They do not train one to be a pastor or to fulfill any religious position but rather just how to live the normal life of a Christian.  Ohhh how hard it was many times to trust in the Lord for Him to operate and work in my life.  So many prayers… Was she His choice?  I had to hand it over to my Lord.  When was His timing?  Ohhh how hard it was many times to wait… What was His way?  When the time did come how was I going to approach her and ask to court her?

To make the long story short Joanna and I both graduate after two years at the Full-Time Training and I want to ask her if by any small window of chance she would have an interest in the possibility of me courting her for marriage.  Through an older brother in the Lord I asked her this question and got a response of her not being interested.  What now?  I prayed much more and sought fellowship from just a few other brothers and sisters.  I always never wanted to tell too many people to keep any gossip out of the picture.  During this time the Lord was able to prepare me for marriage in my opening to Him.  Also I later found out that the Lord was preparing Joanna for marriage in her life.

Finally, I decided to write Joanna a letter from my heart.  After sending this to her she opened to me and we began our courtship.  Every day since then has been in another realm.  Joanna is more than I ever prayed for.  I love her with all of my heart.  I asked her to marry me, and she said yes!  The peace in following the Lord’s way, the Lord’s timing and waiting for the Lord’s choice to become clear has become a blessing to the both of us.

Thank you for reading my life’s story

Joseph Jenkinson